Update: Reserved matters applications have now been submitted to Wiltshire Council for their consideration. Please visit the planning sections of the Council’s website to view the submitted plans and proposals.
You may be aware that in 2018 outline planning permission was granted for residential development on land off of Firs Road, Alderbury, at the site indicated on the plan below. The outline permission established the principle to develop the site for 50 homes and also confirmed the details of vehicular access via Firs Road.
Figure 1 – Aerial view of site outlined in red.
The developer, Vistry Group, are now bringing forward the detailed proposals for the site’s development which will include the final layout, design and scale of the homes based on the parameters set by the outline permission. The plans include 50 new homes, including a proportion of affordable homes, new public open space, a new children’s pre-school to replace the existing building and a replacement Guide Hut. The details of the proposals will be included in our ‘Reserved Matters’ application which will shortly be submitted to Wiltshire Council to formally consider.
Figure 2 – Illustrative street scene of new homes.
The design and layout of the new homes has been inspired by the local area and informed by comments received at the outline planning stage to create an attractive environment for future residents. A mix of 2, 3 and 4 bed homes, including a proportion of affordable homes as required by the outline permission, are provided to meet local needs and allow new families to move to the village. In addition, a series of new landscaped public open spaces are planned on site which will be open for community use and provide opportunities for children’s play on the way to and from school.
The proposals will also include a number of important benefits for the wider local community, including:
- Brand new, purpose built, children’s pre-school to replace existing building which will increase and improve local nursery provision for everyone in the village.
- Expansion of the Alderbury & West Grimstead Primary School playing fields
- New replacement Guide Hut building with onsite parking provision
- Significant financial contributions towards wider Community Infrastructure
The proposals for the site’s development have also considered technical matters, such as drainage, ecology, trees and parking, and these have informed the design and layout of the site.
The full package of detailed plans and technical document will be submitted formally to Wiltshire Council by the end of April 2021 and at this point all documents should be made available for public viewing on Wiltshire Council’s website. Wiltshire Council will then formally consult the local community on our Reserved Matters application which will provide you with an opportunity to give formal comments and feedback. Vistry Group look forward to receiving feedback on the proposals at that stage and will carefully consider any comments received during this process.
Please feel free to circulate a link to this page to any others you think may be interested to know about the proposals.
If you have any queries in the meantime, please feel free to email us at [email protected] (please use this email address to contact us about the site rather than the ‘Contact Us’ button below.)
Otherwise, we thank you for taking the time to read this letter and hope this update has been useful.
Nick Billington, Associate Director, Planning, Tetra Tech Limited
Harry Jackson, Land Buyer, Vistry Group
Any personal information provided as part of this consultation will be managed in accordance with our privacy policy.