The consultation ended on the 4th March 2022. Thank you to those that reviewed our proposals and provided feedback. We are now considering the valuable feedback received ahead of the submission of a planning application to Fareham Borough Council.
Thank you for taking the time to visit our online public consultation page. Vistry Group under its regional housing brand, Drew Smith has extensive experience of housing delivery in the local area, bringing forward new high quality homes. Drew Smith, are bringing forward proposals for about 120 new homes, including 40% affordable homes on land to the east of Pinks Hill as identified on the plans below. In addition to the new homes, the proposals include new public open space, a new children’s play area and ecological enhancements. Delivery of the proposals will also provide financial contributions towards local community infrastructure.
The outline planning application, which Vistry Group will be submitting to Fareham Borough Council shortly, will establish the overarching framework and parameters for the delivery of the proposals, with future detailed ‘reserved matters’ applications filling in the final details of house design, layout and scale.
This consultation is to give you an opportunity to review, discuss and provide feedback on the proposals ahead of the preparation and submission of an outline planning application later in March this year. At the bottom of this page is a link to an online feedback form where we encourage you to provide your thoughts and feedback.
Below are links to the set of parameter plans which will guide the detail of the site’s future development, details of the proposed site access from Pinks Hill road, as well as a indicative masterplan showing how the site could be laid out. To access and download these plans please click the links below:
- Application Boundary
- Site Framework Plan
- Street Hierarchy Plan
- Storey Heights Plan
- POS and Drainage Plan
- Land Use Plan
- Pedestrian Movement Plan
- Illustrative Masterplan
- Site Access Plan
New Homes in a sustainable location
There is a significant shortage of homes across the country and particularly within Fareham Borough Council’s area. The Government is committed to significantly boosting the supply of housing but currently Fareham Borough Council cannot meet the Government’s tests which require the Council to demonstrate they are planning for a sufficient number of homes to meet local needs. The effect of this is reducing housing affordability, making it more and more difficult for people to buy the home they need in the local area.
The proposals would sensitively deliver about 120 new homes in the area, which would include 40% affordable housing (split between first homes, affordable rented and shared ownership). The homes provided will be a variety of different sizes to meet the various housing needs of people in the local area. This will include larger family homes, smaller first-time homes and potentially some apartments.
The site’s location means it is ideally positioned to provide a sustainable new extension to Wallington. The site has good access, is located within walking and cycling distance of Fareham town centre, local supermarkets, facilities and amenities. Local employers, such as those in Wallington Fort, also provide opportunities for people to easily walk to work.
Design, Layout and Access
The proposals have carefully considered the constraints and opportunities of the site and have been informed by extensive site surveys. The site slopes downward in a roughly west-to-east direction and the indicative layout presented works with this slope to create an attractive outward facing block structure providing frontages onto each road and surrounding open spaces.
Consideration has also been given to local businesses with suitable offsets and buffer zones provided between proposed residential properties and existing businesses which have been tested via detailed site assessments including noise, odour, air quality and lighting.
Access for vehicles will be provided from Pinks Hill and will include the main pedestrian access. A new crossing and pavement will also be provided to facilitate safe pedestrian movement onto the western end of Military Road where cyclists and pedestrians can then easily make their way to Fareham town centre. Additional pedestrian links to the northern end of Military Road are also being explored to further improve pedestrian and cycle linkages.
Whilst the exact design and layout of the site is not currently fixed, an illustrative masterplan shows how the development could be delivered. It is suggested that properties will generally be two and two and a half storey in scale with slightly taller three storey buildings provided at focal points within the site to provide added interest and legibility. The proposals will be high quality, taking inspiration from local character and history whilst also being built to a highly sustainable level, maximising energy efficiency. We would welcome your thoughts and ideas, via the feedback form, on the types and design of homes you might like to see on site.
Landscaping and Public Open Space
Public open space is provided in the south-west of the site and includes an equipped play area. To reduce potential road noise a bund and acoustic fence is also proposed along the eastern site boundary. These features will be sensitively landscaped to provide a soft edge to the site for recreation, whilst being designed to maximise ecological benefits.
The existing planted boundaries of the site will be largely retained, including an area of new-growth woodland at the far south-west corner of the site which will be enhanced to provide significant ecological benefits.
Technical Matters
The outline planning application to Fareham Borough Council will be supported by a package of reports and plans covering a wide variety of technical matters. The documents to be submitted will include:
- A detailed Design and Access statement and planning statement
- Highways and Access Assessment
- Landscape Appraisal
- Flood Risk Assessment and indicative drainage design, informed by on site ground water testing
- Heritage and Archaeology Assessment
- Ecology Surveys
- Tree Surveys
- Noise, Air Quality, Lighting and Odour Assessments
The consultation is now closed. Thank you to those that reviewed our proposals and provided feedback. We are now considering the valuable feedback received ahead of the submission of a planning application.
If you have any queries in the meantime, please feel free to email us at [email protected].
Any personal information provided as part of this consultation will be managed in accordance with our privacy policy.