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Welcome to the public consultation webpage for McMullen Barracks, Marchwood, Hampshire – REVISED Scheme
The Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) is consulting neighbours on proposals for a revised development on the McMullen Barracks, Cracknore Hard Lane, Marchwood.
A scheme for re-housing some of the facilities currently located at the Marchwood Sea Mounting Centre (SMC) onto part of the McMullen Barracks site was approved by New Forest District Council on 19th July 2021. (NFDC reference 20 11456)
The development represents a significant investment and has been carefully reviewed by the DIO to best meet the needs of the Ministry of Defence (MOD) as part of the planned re-organisation of the Military Port.
The MOD’s updated requirements have resulted in the following changes to the scheme:
- smaller amount of development across the site,
- reduced number of new buildings,
- resiting/reorientation of the previously approved Workshop building,
- reduced footprint of the main Storage building,
- reduced footprint of the Office/Training building over 3 storeys (approval for 2 storeys),
- refurbishment of the existing building 313,
- provision of garage/store on the site of the previously approved welfare building Facility 5,
- reduced amount of car parking; the two-deck car park Facility 6 has been removed.
The revised proposals principally comprise the erection of three new main buildings providing the following accommodation:
- Storage/Technical facilities including workshops (combined Facilities 1, 2 & 8)
- Offices/Training classrooms facilities (Facility 3)
- Garage/Store (Facility 9)
The approved scheme included a fresh landscaped setting to the site. The landscaping scheme will be updated to respond to the changes in the revised scheme.
The general principles and rationale for the revised scheme remain the same as the approved scheme. The following elements in particular will remain materially as shown on the approved plans:
- Reorganisation of the vehicular access into the Barracks.
- Main site access will be onto Cracknore Hard (southern side of site)
- Closure of existing access onto Cracknore Hard Lane (western side of the site)
- Surface car parking for Green and White Fleet vehicles
- Redevelopment of disused buildings and derelict tennis court (Nos:304, 305 & 324)
- Hardstanding for temporary storage of containers
- Minor associated development includes:
- Facility 7 – Replacement guardhouse
- Facility 4 – Portside building
More details are included in the attached Explanatory Statement which describes the revised scheme and provides comparative information with the approved scheme.
The proposed plans are information are available to view/ download here:
- Site Location Plan
- Indicative Proposed Site Masterplan
- Comparative 3D Visual (approved scheme and proposed revised scheme)
- Pre-application Consultation Revised Landscape Plan
- Explanatory Statement
Have your say: We welcome your views on the proposed scheme.
Please let us have your views on the REVISED re-provisioning proposals for the Barracks by completing the on-line questionnaire found here;
Please ensure all feedback is with us no later than: 11pm on Sunday 31st October 2021.
What happens after the consultation?
Your responses will be analysed and feedback will be taken into account in the final scheme design.
Tetra Tech will prepare a report analysing your responses, known as a Statement of Community Involvement. This will be submitted to New Forest District Council as part of a future planning application for the scheme.
Any personal information provided as part of this consultation will be managed in accordance with our Privacy Statement – Tetra Tech Europe