Land at Porlock Road, Minehead

Please note this consultation page is now closed and for information only.


Acorn Homes propose the development of up to 27 homes on Land at Porlock Road, Minehead through submission of an outline planning application to Somerset West and Taunton Council at the end of the summer.

Acorn Homes is a local developer committed to building distinctive new homes that reflect local character in hand-picked locations in the South West – more information can be found at

The Site

The site is located to the west of Minehead off Porlock Road, to the south of the Cemetery.

Further details are included below:

The Proposals

The proposals would be submitted in outline with all matters except access reserved. This means that the site access would be approved but all other details – i.e. layout, appearance, scale, landscaping – would be reserved for a future application. However, an illustrative layout and street elevations are provided below to indicate how the site could be developed.

The scheme would provide a mix of housing including affordable homes with new landscaping and hedge planting to the site boundaries. The existing footpath would be retained and would provide pedestrian and cycles access from the development to the east.


The following documents provide more information on the site and proposals:

Have your say

If you would like to comment on this proposal in advance of the planning application being submitted, please e-mail us at planning.wellington or write to us at:

Tetra Tech Planning, Hawkridge House, Chelston Business Park, Wellington, Somerset, TA21 8YA

The closing date for the receipt of responses is midnight on 13 August 2021.

Any personal information provided as part of this consultation will be managed in accordance with our privacy policy.