Cranleigh C of E Primary School

The Consultation Period for Cranleigh Primary School closed on 9 March 2021, this page is for information only.

Welcome to the consultation webpage for Cranleigh Church of England Primary School – Lower School, Cranleigh


Cranleigh CofE Primary School leadership team and Surrey County Council are consulting neighbours on proposals for improved Reception Classroom facilities on the Lower School site at Cranleigh C of E Primary School, Cranleigh.

The proposals are to replace the existing Early Years Reception Classroom facilities, currently housed in the timber classroom building in the school’s garden, with a new modern purpose-built double classroom block in the same part of the site.

There will be no increase in pupil numbers at the school, the provision is simply to replace existing facilities.

A funding grant from the Department of Education has been awarded which will substantially contribute to the cost of the project.

Subject to planning permission, construction is programmed to happen over the summer of 2021 completing in the Autumn.

The Proposals

The current Early Years accommodation has long passed its serviceable life and is now suffering from increasing dilapidation that would be uneconomic to repair.

It is proposed to replace the entire structure with a new set of teaching spaces plus ancillary facilities that will be a more appropriate environment for this important stage in the education of local children.

The new building will be sited in the same place as the existing timber building which will be demolished in its entirety. (This consultation does not relate to demolition of the existing building for which a separate prior approval is being sought.)

The proposed new building will be erected with due care, retaining the existing environmental setting of the school grounds, particularly the mature trees. The new building will be constructed using a method to avoid impacting on mature tree roots.

More details, including the external appearance of the building and materials used, with details of the proposed construction access routes, are provided in the information below.


The proposals represent a significant investment in the School facilities and have been carefully considered by the School to best meet their needs by improving the Early Years Reception provision on site with modern fit for purpose accommodation.

Plans and information

Plans of the proposals and further information are available to view/ download here:

Further details

Have your say:

We welcome your views on the proposed scheme.

Please let us have your views on the school proposals by completing the on-line questionnaire found here:  Link to survey

Please ensure your feedback is with us no later than midnight on 9 March 2021. Thank you.

What happens after the consultation?

Your responses will be analysed and feedback will be taken into account in the final scheme design.

Tetra Tech will prepare a report analysing your responses, known as a Statement of Community Involvement. This will be submitted to the Council as part of a future planning application for the scheme.

Any personal information provided as part of this consultation will be managed in accordance with our Privacy Statement – Tetra Tech Europe.